Sample Collection Instructions

Undisturbed Soil Samples

Collection of undisturbed samples is highly recommended because this preserves the native bulk density (unit weight), and thermal resistivity is highly dependent on bulk density.

1.     A standard 3” diameter Shelby tube or equivalent sleeve-lined sampler is the recommended sampling technique

2.     Be sure to collect the sample at the depth of interest (generally the depth of underground cable or duct bank installation).

3.     Cleanly cut at least 6” length of Shelby tube or sampler liner with intact sample inside.

4.     Cap both ends of sample to prevent sample from loosening and prevent evaporation of water from sample

5.     Clearly label sample with relevant information that should be reflected in the report (job number or title, borehole number, depth, date, etc.)

6.     See sample Shipping Instructions below


  1. Email with the following information:

    • Number of Samples

    • Nature of sample (concrete, soil, fluid, etc.)

    • Expedite request (optional)

    • Any other relevant information

  2. Include Sample Information Sheets, Signed Thermal Service Request Form, and any desired Chain of Custody documentation with samples.

  3. Ship all samples in sturdy container to:

    Basalt Ridge Testing Laboratory
    292 Warren Rd
    Pullman, WA 99163